viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Becas Peace Revolution para retiro de meditación en Tailandia (Diciembre 2013)

The fellowship in Thailand consists of 14 days of Inner Peace Retreat, which focuses on meditation, peace and Buddhist studies. Presently, the fellowship will take place at Mooktawan Sanctuary in an island at the southern part of Thailand. Participants will enjoy meditating in a serene and peaceful near-forest environment. Well, many people say it's a celestial hideaway on Earth.
1. Características
Tipo: Becas de intercambio / Becas de investigación
Lugar de disfrute: Asia  -  TAILANDIA
Características: The Thailand fellowship includes: 

- full or partial sponsoring of airfare*,
- free accommodation,
- free catering,
- free local transportation,
- free meditation retreat fee.

* Everyone is welcome to join the fellowship. But to be eligible for the partial sponsoring of airfare, candidates must be between 18-30 years old.
2. Requisitos
Fuente y Fecha de convocatoria: Peace Revolution  - 16/01/2013

- Candidates should be 18-30 years old at the time of submitting the application in order to receive the airfare support.
- Candidates must have completed 42 days of the online self-development program.
- Candidates must have completed at least 1 ONLINE Special Ops.
- Candidates have good proficiency in written and spoken English language.
- Candidates should be optimistic, be open-minded, show leadership potential, and have a genuine interest in peace.
3. Solicitud
Plazo: 15 de Septiembre de 2013
Solicitudes: Youth Fellowship in Dec 2013
13 - 26 December 2013

15 September 2013

Por más información acerca de la suscripción visite la página oficial de la convocatoria

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